Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New data on parabens suggests no adverse hormonal effect on the body

New data on parabens suggests no adverse hormonal effect on the body

This article is interesting and leaves me even more unsure about what is safe and what is not.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Use by dates for cosmetics?

I thought this was an interesting article in relation to yesterday's topic of lead in lipstick. On the one hand, many of us are hesitant to buy lipsticks shown to have higher levels of lead (even if they are claimed to be safe.) On the other, 72% of women surveyed for the Mintel study in the article below would not throw out cosmetics and personal care products that are discolored or have off odors. Really, people?

I admit, while I am religious about replenishing my mascara quarterly, I have plenty of products that probably should be seeing the inside of a wastebasket. At the first sign of a "funny smell" or discoloration, however, I'm done. Why in the world would I keep this product that so clearly is no longer good? I agree with Mintel - you would not eat food that has gone bad, would you?

As more and more organic and truly natural products come onto the shelves with fewer chemical preservatives, being aware of the nature of the products as related to our health will become more important. We don't want lead in our lipsticks. Do we want to use skin cream with bacteria that has grown over two years? Probably not.

Perhaps more marketing is needed, but for now I say, just use your head. Stay on the safe side.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Debate Topic: Lead in Lipstick

This is an interesting study, and I am sure it will not be the last lead-in-lipstick argument from either side.

Trace amounts of lead in lipsticks is not a cause for concern, says trade body

I still prefer my lead in pencils, although I am understanding cGMP's more every day I am in the industry. What about you? Let me know your thoughts.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We're back!

One post, then nothing. I realize that does not make for a great blog! Things have changed since December, and now I find myself on the brink of the beauty field, and it's quite thrilling. I get excited every time my job allows me to read and learn about advances in the field of cosmetics and skin care, particularly with regards to safe and "green" products. There is so much going on right now, I could not waste another minute away from the blog!

So, I am back and am here to stay.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Approximately 60% of what goes on our bodies goes into our bodies. Just like we can choose to eat natural, healthful foods instead of processed junk foods, we can decide to stay away from chemically-laden personal care products that are toxic to our bodies. Fortunately, more and more products are making their way to market that are both healthy and glamorous. My goal for this blog is to keep you informed and to share my discoveries about cosmetics and personal products that will not only make you look good, but also make you feel good (or at least not sick.) Almost every personal care company is jumping on the eco-bandwagon, so I hope to help you cut through all of the greenwashing. It is a pretty confusing world out there right now.

If you have ideas, topics you would like covered or products you would like assessed, please let me know. If you would like to become involved as a blogger, please contact me. Men, don't be shy - this site is for you, too!

Thanks for reading - we are going to have lots of fun!